Body Health Vacuum therapy could not be absent from
Zin Zen Medical & Spa – one of the most basic treatments in the
fight against cellulite, lymphedema and remodeling of your body.
This is a pioneering treatment started in Argentina when plastic
surgery doctors wanted to find a way to treat lymphedema and
elephantiasis on their patients.
Indeed, with the help of the special head available from the
machinery, a type of suction and mechanical massage is achieved
which activates the vascular and lymphatic circulation, resulting in
the release of toxins and lactic acid. (just as after an intense
exercise) and decongesting the body from fluid retention and
accumulation of toxins that cause swelling and inflammation .
It is estimated that a 35 minute Vacuum treatment is equivalent to
8 hand massage treatments!
Benefits of treatment:
• Effectively fights cellulite and fluid retention
• Metabolism increases
• Improves lymphatic and vascular circulation
• Redistributes fat
• The volume of fat cells is reduced
The connective tissue is reactivated
• Sculpts the body helping to restore harmony
• The production of collagen and elastic is reactivated
• The skin becomes tight and elastic
• The skin is smoothed
• Improves sleep and mood
It is considered as an exceptional treatment before or after
cosmetic surgeries, such as liposuction, abdominoplasty,
brachioplasty etc., and is applied either alone or in combination
with other treatments.
It is simple to apply, as long as it is done by a specially trained
beautician and it is extremely pleasant. It leaves no signs or
bruises, while the person returns immediately to his or her daily life
with special energy.
If you want to find more about this excellent treatment, call us at
2106654105 or fill out the form and book a free consultation with
the specialist expert Ms. Zoe Stamatopoulou.
Of course, do not forget that, as always, the implementation of
the international antiseptic protocols of the Zin Zen Medical & Spa
center is our priority!