In Zin Zen Medical & Spa , we enthusiastically welcomed the
technology of Electromagnetic Body Shaping, the only one in the
aesthetic field that melts undesirable fat while building muscle.
This is the EMSCULPT (Hight Energy Focused
Electromagnetic Wave) machine, a state-of-the-art technique that
creates a high-intensity magnetic field capable of causing up to
20,000 muscle contractions in 30 minutes – something that is
impossible for even the best athlete of the world to achieve.
With this mechanism, 100% of the muscle contraction occurs,
as a result the decomposition of a large amount of fat and at the
same time the maximum production of new muscle fibrins that
promote muscle hyperplasia. The result of this synergy is the
reshaping of the body and the increase of the metabolic rate, just
as it would happen if you were an athlete.
Electromagnetic body shaping is also the world’s first non-
invasive procedure for natural buttock lifting. When applied to the
buttocks, it can give the person a lifting, athletic body shape.
The gluteal and abdominal muscles are amplified and fat is
selectively burned in the areas.
Studies show that 1-2 months after treatment the muscle mass
increases on average of 16% and the average fat loss of each
area by 19%!
The treatment process is simple and painless. It starts with low
intensity and gradually increases depending on the person’s
tolerance. Most people reach 100% intensity from their very first
During this function, the body releases lactic acid from the
muscles, a natural process that helps to reduce muscle pain.
Once the treatment is over you can normally return to your
schedule , without redness or swelling. The only feeling you are
going to feel is the tension and the “grip” of the muscles just as
you would feel immediately after a workout in the gym.
The recommended treatment schedule is 4-6 times over two
weeks. Each procedure takes 30 minutes. Maximum results are
observed after three months and continue to improve up to six
months later.
To learn more about this new technology, call us at
2106654105 or fill out the form and make an appointment for a
free consultation with Ms. Zoe Stamatopoulou.
Of course, do not forget that, as always, the implementation of
the international antiseptic assurance protocols of the Zin Zen
Medical & Spa center is our priority!