Cavitation technology is widely used as one of the most
modern and effective treatments for immediate and permanent
liposuction to combat persistent local fat and cellulite, which of
course could not be absent from the potential of Zin Zen Medical
& Spa .
Indeed, Cavitation therapy refers to a targeted and irreversible
destruction of fat cells by ultrasound technology which, acting at a
low frequency, liquefies the trapped fat, which is then removed
through the lymphatic system.
Furthermore, from the very first treatment we find a fat loss of 2
cm , while it continues to increase gradually over the next 7 days.
It acts on persistent fat stores in areas where even exhausting diet
and exercise do not help, such as:
• Abdomen – Waist.
• Arms
• Buttocks – Hips
• Inside and outside of the thighs
• Knees
In each Cavitation treatment we achieve at the same time:
• burning of body fat
• elimination of toxins, reduction, elimination of cellulite and the
appearance of orange
• improvement of lymphatic and venous circulation
• improvement of skin texture, production of new collagen,
reduction of stretch marks
• body contouring and loss of points
The advantage of Cavitation treatment is that, it not only treats
the persistent local thickness, but also at the same time tightens
the skin and eliminates cellulite.
In other words, this is a complete body sculpture without
anesthesia, without scars and without discomfort.
It does not require abstinence from daily activities and is applied at
all times of the year.
To learn more about this technology, call us at 2106654105 or
fill out the form and make an appointment for a free consultation
with Ms. Zoe Stamatopoulou.
Of course, do not forget that, as always, the implementation of
the international antiseptic protocols of the Zin Zen Medical &
Spa center is our priority!